East and West: A Fusion of Elegance and Serenity

Chu Kueijo's Award-Winning Residential House Design

In the realm of architectural design, Chu Kueijo's residential house project, "East and West," stands as a testament to elegance and serenity. This design, a unique blend of materials and spatial planning, has earned Chu Kueijo the prestigious Silver A' Interior Space, Retail and Exhibition Design Award in 2018.

Chu Kueijo's inspiration for the "East and West" design stems from the materials used on the walls. The deep color tones aim to cultivate an atmosphere of elegance and serenity. Large-sized steel plates with natural lines adorn the walls on both sides of the main space, enhancing the image of extensive space. Furthermore, the use of granite with clear lines and strong color on the main walls strengthens the image of calmness and staidness.

The unique properties of this design lie in its partitions and ceilings. Chu Kueijo has minimized solid wall partitions, except for necessary private areas, to increase the spacious visual effect. Large-sized horizontal sliding doors serve as hidden doors to separate space areas, enhancing the visual effect of spacious extension.

The ceiling design also plays a crucial role in this architectural masterpiece. To reduce the reflection of stereo, Chu Kueijo designed a unique wooden reflection board with an elegant color to be embedded in the center of the ceiling. This board serves as the visual focus in the space. Certain areas are descended with wooden ceilings to form a sense of a “house within a house,” giving different characteristics to the two main areas.

Chu Kueijo's design notes emphasize the importance of partitions and ceilings in the overall design. The designer's innovative approach to space separation and ceiling design contributes to the spacious visual effect and the unique visual focus in the space.

The "East and West" design has been recognized for its outstanding expertise and innovation, earning Chu Kueijo the Silver A' Design Award in 2018. This award is given to top-of-the-line, creative, and professionally remarkable designs that showcase a remarkable level of excellence and introduce positive feelings, amazement, and wonder. Chu Kueijo's "East and West" design certainly fits this description, standing as a symbol of elegance and serenity in the world of architectural design.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Chu Kueijo
Image Credits: Chu Kueijo
Project Team Members: Chu Kueijo
Project Name: east and west
Project Client: Chu Kueijo

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